


Bon Appetit Golden Rice

Cooking is not something that comes naturally to me. I burnt ten batches of doughnuts before I learned how to do them properly.

My husband and kids are the harshest critics, and each of them have their own particular ideas on what ‘delicious’ is. They like their steak extremely well done, and any tiny drop of blood or pinkness in the meat triggers winces and complaints from my audience. When we have guests over, and we prepare meat, we take into account that they might not share my family’s appreciation for, let’s face it, overcooked meat.

In an effort to expand their palette, I often go to the Bon Appetit website which my sister Jovy who is a professional in the food industry, has very kindly recommended to a frazzled-at-the-end-of-my-tether me (at least where my family’s diet is concerned).

For this recipe, which is largely based on Lucas Sin’s Instagram Stories takeover, it was better when I used day-old rice it is as easy as:

  1. Prepare, eggs and rice. 1 cup of rice is to 1 egg is the ratio I followed. Separate egg yolks from whites.

  2. Add some oil and salt to the egg white (like 1/8 tbsp per egg is what i did and a pinch of salt). Mix the yolks into the cooked rice until ‘every grain of rice is coated in egg yolk’ (as Lucas Sin, says)

  3. Fry the rice, move to side and then fry the egg whites alongside the yolk drenched rice. Combine both.

  4. Add any toppings or mix whatever is in your fridge. I precooked the shrimp and the peas separately.